
NFL Draft Sign at Tootsies Orchid Lounge

Spark Ops assisted with the production of the 8' tall rotations neon NFL Shield sign at Tootsies Orchid Lounge in downtown Nashville.




February 7, 2024


Fiber Laser, Bending, Welding, Design

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Our project

We are proud of our work and would like to share our project

Another great and unique project that Spark Ops was able to participate in with Filmwerks!

For the 2019 NFL Draft, Filmwerks had an amazing opportunity to build a 2 story live tv set in front of the famous Tootsies Orchid Lounge in downtown Nashville, TN. Being such an iconic spot, the scenery of the set needed to fit in. While Filmwerk's in-house scenic shop was able to craft and match the look of the set to the original Tootsie building behind, Spark Ops was able to step in and assist with the production of the 8' tall rotations neon NFL Shield sign.

Similar to many other projects, Spark Ops worked hand-in-hand with Filmwerk's engineering team and was able to construct a lightweight reliable solution with provisions for weather safety and ease of installation.

On every job Spark Ops tackles, large or small, we appreciate the positive impact we can make for our clients.

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